Meet the Residents
Meet all the residents who live in CoCoLand!
Meet the Residents
CoCo McStufferson
Also known as Uncle CoCo, CoCo McStufferson is the one and only part of the one bear government in CoCoLand. He lives in the Dolphin Way neighborhood with his brother, sister-in-law, nieces, nephews, and his dog, Duffey. He enjoys hanging out in his pool, playing with his nieces and nephews, hosting the podcast, eating snacks, and going to the zoo and the clubhouse.
Susie McStufferson
Susie is Uncle CoCo's mom. The mountain is named after her. She enjoys playing with her grandchildren, sailing, listening to the CoCoLand podcast, gardening, hiking, camping, and wearing fancy hats. She lives next door to Uncle CoCo.
Tiger McStufferson
Tiger is Uncle CoCo's brother. He is a teacher at Sir Pickles Academy. He and his family live with Uncle CoCo in Dolphin Way neighborhood. Tiger enjoys swimming in Uncle CoCo's pool, playing baseball with his kids, hiking in the national park with his family, and having fun with Uncle CoCo.
Sandy McStufferson
Sandy is Tiger's wife and Uncle CoCo's sister-in-law. She is the Director of School Activities at Sir Pickles Academy. Sandy enjoys playing with her kids, going to the national park, cooking, and snorkeling in the ocean.
Fluffy McStufferson
Fluffy is Uncle CoCo's oldest niece and Tiger and Sandy's oldest daughter. She is a teacher at Sir Pickles Academy. Fluffy enjoys cooking, swimming, playing with her siblings, and crafting. She is twenty years old.
Clementine McStufferson
Clementine is Uncle CoCo's niece and Tiger and Sandy's daughter. She helps Uncle CoCo keep his house under control while he keeps up with CoCoLand. She enjoys taking care of her younger brothers, painting, cooking, swimming, and gardening. She is eighteen years old.
Jim McStufferson
Jim is Uncle CoCo's oldest nephew and Tiger and Sandy's oldest son. He enjoys fishing, swimming, playing air hockey, and sailing. He is seventeen years old.
Dandelion McStufferson
Dandelion is Uncle CoCo's niece and Tiger and Sandy's daughter. She enjoys gardening, cooking, going to the zoo and clubhouse, and playing dolls with her sisters. She is fifteen years old.
Snowflake McStufferson
Snowflake is Uncle CoCo’s niece and Tiger and Sandy’s daughter. She enjoys gardening, playing with her siblings, going to the clubhouse, swimming, and hiking. She is twelve years old.
Tundra McStufferson
Tundra is Uncle CoCo's nephew and Tiger and Sandy's son. He enjoys swimming, hiking, sailing, going to the clubhouse, and playing sports with his friends at the sports field. He is nine years old.
Pansy McStufferson
Pansy is Uncle CoCo's niece and Tiger and Sandy’s daughter. She enjoys swimming, cooking, playing, hiking, and gardening. She is eight years old.
Caremal McStufferson
Caremal is Uncle CoCo's nephew, and one of the four members of the rowdy cage, which is what Uncle CoCo calls his four youngest nephews. He is known for being the craziest of the nephews, as he likes to jump on people. Everyone calls him Carmy. He likes to eat snacks, make messes, play with his younger brothers, and swim in the pool. He is five years old.
Bill McStufferson
Bill is Uncle CoCo's nephew and one of the four members of the rowdy cage. He partners with Uncle CoCo and his twin brother, Murph, on the CoCoLand podcast. He enjoys going to the clubhouse, playing on the playground, swimming in the pool, and playing tag with his brothers. He is four years old.
Murph McStufferson
Murph is one of the four members of the rowdy cage, and is also on the CoCoLand podcast with his twin brother, Bill, and Uncle CoCo. He enjoys fishing, going to the clubhouse, playing tag, and eating snacks. He is four years old.
Rocket McStufferson
Rocket is one of the four members of the rowdy cage. He is known for his flying. He once flew across CoCoLand while carrying Murph and Bill! He enjoys playing tag, eating snacks, swimming, and going to the zoo. He is three years old.
Gwen McStufferson
Gwen is Uncle CoCo’s youngest niece and Tiger and Sandy’s youngest daughter. Her real name is actually Pengwenda, but everyone calls her Gwen. She enjoys playing dolls with her older sisters, swimming in the pool, eating snacks, and gardening. She is two years old.
Duffey is Uncle CoCo's dog. She enjoys playing with Uncle CoCo's nieces and nephews, playing fetch with Uncle CoCo, eating dog treats, and sleeping on the couch.
Sir Pickles
Sir Pickles is in fact a knighted dog. He is a most unusual dog, as he can do lots of things humans can. He helps Uncle CoCo direct the CoCoLand army. He enjoys wandering around CoCoLand, eating dog food, helping Dr. Dave with chemistry experiments, and playing tag with his friends. The school is named after him.
Rusty Stuffinski
Rusty Stuffinski is Uncle CoCo's best friend, and one of the four founding fathers of CoCoLand. He lives by himself in Palm View neighborhood right next to his son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren. He also lives next to his chemistry lab, where he loves to do cool experiments. He also enjoys playing with his grandchildren, visiting the clubhouse and the zoo, and eating fried pickles.
Dr. Dave Stuffinski
Dr. Dave is one of Uncle CoCo's friends and one of the four founding fathers of CoCoLand. His nickname is Uncle Marshmallow, even though he doesn't look like a marshmallow. He is a chemist, like his dad, Rusty Stuffinski, and does all kinds of weird experiments. When he's not experimenting, he enjoys sailing in his sailboat, going to the clubhouse, hanging out with his friends, and eating kiwi. He lives on Town Circle road with his cat, pig, four hundred hamsters, and a huge tank full of fish.
Scott is Dr. Dave’s dog. He helps Dr. Dave with chemistry experiments, and tests out some of Dr. Dave’s wild ideas, like making an automatic dog walker (that didn’t go so well). Scott likes to eat dog treats, get petted, play with kids, and fetch balls.
Big Bear Stuffinksi
Big Bear is one of Uncle CoCo's friends and one of the four founding fathers of CoCoLand. His full name is Big Bear Puma Kodiak Jaguar Stuffinski, but everyone calls him Big Bear. He manages both the airport and the harbor in CoCoLand. He enjoys playing with his kids, going to the clubhouse, eating yummy snacks, and hanging out on the beach, when he has some free time. His dad is Rusty Stuffinski. He lives on Airport Drive with his wife, Cloud, and their kids.
Cloud Stuffinski
Cloud is Big Bear’s wife. She enjoys hiking, gardening, swimming, cooking, and playing with her kids.
Duck Stuffinski
Duck is Big Bear and Cloud’s son. He works in Hoo-Hoo's store. He enjoys running, swimming, hiking, and surfing. He is twenty-seven years old.
Hump Stuffinski
Hump is Big Bear and Cloud’s son. He works at the Greenland Hotel. He likes to give people rides, go to the Mexican restaurant, swim in the pool, and hike in the forest. He is seventeen years old.
Finney Stuffinski
Finney is Big Bear and Cloud’s son. He likes reading books, playing chess, playing at the playground, riding his bike, and skydiving. He is seventeen years old.
Oscar Stuffinski
Oscar is Big Bear and Cloud’s son. He likes surfing, Mt, Susie National park, his night vision, and all of his friends, siblings, and cousins. He is thirteen years old.
Elkie Stuffinski
Elkie is Big Bear and Cloud’s son. He likes playing tag, running, swimming, and leaping. He is eleven years old.
Hoo-Hoo Stuffinski
Hoo-Hoo is Big Bear and Cloud’s son. He owns the best store in CoCoLand, and he runs the bakery in his store. He enjoys helping people, listening to the podcast, watching CoCoLand TV, and riding his bike. He is ten years old.
Savana Stuffinski
Savana is Big Bear and Cloud’s only daughter. She enjoys eating snacks, swimming, going to the clubhouse, playing with her brothers, and learning new things. She is six years old.
Falcon Stuffinski
Falcon is Big Bear and Cloud’s son. He likes hiking, reading, biking, and flying. He is five years old.
Arnie Stuffinski
Arnie is Big Bear and Cloud’s son. He likes to surprise his friends, go parachuting, and play with his friends and siblings. He is five years old.
Owen Stuffinski
Owen is Big Bear and Cloud’s son. He likes flying, hiking, farming, going on adventures, and playing games with his family. He is four years old.
Speedy Stuffinski
Speedy is Big Bear and Cloud’s son. He has an exercise TV show. He enjoys rock climbing, hiking, exercising, and going to Uncle CoCo's house. He is two years old.
Buster is Big Bear and Cloud’s dog. He likes getting petted, playing fetch, eating dog treats, and going to school with the other dogs in CoCoLand.
Mr. Froggy Stuffinski
Mr. Froggy is Rusty’s older brother, and the one who named Big Bear. And yes, his first name is Mister. He runs a yoga studio out of his house. His tagline is, “I’m 99 years old and still flexible as a baby!” He is well-known for his signature Mr. Froggy yoga pose.
Bob Stuffinski
Bob is one of the three Stuffinski triplets, with Big Bear and Dr. Dave being his triplet brothers. His real name is Murph, but his nickname is Bob so he doesn’t get confused with Uncle CoCo’s nephew, Murph. He enjoys climbing Mt. Susie, swimming in the clubhouse pool, and drinking coffee at the snack shop with his friends.
Katie Stuffinski
Katie is Bob’s wife. She is a teacher at the school. She enjoys cooking, hiking, playing with her kids, swimming, gardening, and teaching.
Snowy Stuffinski
Snowy is Bob and Katie’s son and Uncle CoCo's personal assistant. He helps Uncle CoCo respond to e-mails, plan big festivals, and manage the landscape. He enjoys sailing, surfing, playing air hockey, and going to the clubhouse. He is seventeen years old.
Pete Stuffinski
Pete is Bob and Katie’s son. He runs a popular TV show in CoCoLand: Pete the Puffin's Adventures. He enjoys rock climbing, hiking, skydiving, sailing, and camping. He is fifteen years old.
Larry Stuffinski
Larry is Bob and Katie’s son. He owns the the Snack Factory in CoCoLand. He specializes in making healthy snacks. He enjoys rock climbing, hiking, going to Uncle CoCo's house, and going to the clubhouse. He is ten years old.
Big Bill Stuffinski
Big Bill is Bob and Katie’s son. He enjoys flying kites, playing tag, driving remote control cars, and taking care of plants. He is nine years old.
Rick Stuffinski
Rick is Bob and Katie’s son. He likes playing with is siblings and friends, going to the clubhouse, swimming in the ocean, and rock climbing. He is seven years old.
Rachel Stuffinski
Rachel is Bob and Katie’s only daughter. She enjoys playing with her brothers, cooking with her Mom, going to school, and hiking with her family. She is seven years old.
Quackers Stuffinski
Quackers is Bob and Katie’s son. He likes to eat snacks, help out, go to school, listen to the podcast, and play sports with his friends. He is six years old.
Antler Stuffinski
Antler is Bob and Katie’s son. He likes hiking, singing, skydiving, listening to the podcast, and camping. Antler is five years old.
Peckster Stuffinski
Peckster is Bob and Katie’s son. He has a home improvement company. He enjoys flying, building, playing games with his family, and swimming. He is three years old.
Popcorn Stuffinski
Popcorn is Bob and Katie’s son. He makes popcorn for the clubhouse snack bar. He likes eating popcorn, driving semi trucks in his backyard, running, rock climbing, and hiking. He is two years old.
Dynamite is Bob and Katie’s dog. He likes to play with the CoCoLand residents, eat dog treats, do back flips, and pretend to explode like dynamite.
Jmokayoicrky Hfshmeitfh
Jmokayoicrky Hfshfmteih seems like a weird name, but really there’s just a bunch of silent letters. It’s pronounced Mark Smith. He enjoys playing in his backyard, playing the flute, watching his fish in his fish tank, and jumping on trampolines. He says his age is 9876543234567890. He’s really only 4, but there’s a lot of silent numbers.
William is a monkey who hangs out around CoCoLand. He enjoys eating pineapples, swinging through trees, hanging out with friends, and telling jokes.
Theodore Adventurer
Theodore is the Dad of the Adventurer family. He is a sculptor and door-to-door toy salesman. Theodore likes making statues, Big Bear Stuffinski, his wife Lambie, and his kids.
Lambie Adventurer
Lambie is the Mom of the Adventurer family. She is the assistant principal of Sir Pickles Academy. She enjoys teaching her kids, looking at the ocean, watching the sunset, and painting.
John Adventurer
John is Theodore and Lambie’s oldest child. He is a member of The CoCoLand Army. He enjoys playing with his younger siblings, hiking in the national park, swimming in the pool and ocean, and eating snacks. He is twenty-five years old.
Tim Adventurer
Tim is Theodore and Lambie’s son. He looks skinny, but really he’s super strong. His arms are so long and skinny he can tie them in a knot! But he can lift all his siblings at the same time! He enjoys riding his bike, exercise, science, math, reading, and spelling. He is eighteen years old.
George Adventurer
George is Theodore and Lambie’s son. He works at the snack shop. He likes to help make snacks (Especially if he gets to eat them!), swim in the ocean, surf giant waves, wear weird hats, and go hiking. He is sixteen years old.
Eleanor Adventurer
Eleanor is Theodore and Lambie’s daughter. She enjoys glass blowing, playing the saxophone, playing water polo, and canoeing down raging rapids. She is sixteen years old.
Spike Adventurer
Spike is Theodore and Lambie’s son. He owns the CoCoLand snack shop. He specializes in making fried pickles. He enjoys eating ice cream, making snacks, riding bikes, living in CoCoLand, and exploring the wilderness. He is fourteen years old.
Timothy Adventurer
Timothy is Theodore and Lambie’s son. He likes to play sports, eat snacks, go to school, listen to the CoCoLand podcast, and swim in the pool. He is thirteen years old.
Lance Adventurer
Lance is Theodore and Lambie’s son. He likes to play the piano, hike, bike, write, and read. He is eleven years old.
Puff-Puff Adventurer
Puff-Puff is Theodore and Lambie’s son. He helps Pete with his TV show. He enjoys rock climbing, hiking, skydiving, sailing, and camping. He is ten years old.
Spark Adventurer
Spark is Theodore and Lambie’s son. He likes rock climbing, watching movies, jumping on his uncle, and driving his brother's ship. He is ten years old.
Lincoln Adventurer
Lincoln is Theodore and Lambie’s son. Also known as Link, he is famous for his running abilities. He once ran in a race car race and won! He enjoys running, reading, racing, and eating snacks. He is nine years old.
Junior Adventurer
Junior is Theodore and Lambie’s son. He enjoys eating snacks, making books, reading books, learning, and math. He is seven years old.
Delores Adventurer
Delores is Theodore and Lambie’s daughter. She enjoys going to school, eating snacks, hiking in the national park, playing with her siblings and friends, and hanging out at the clubhouse. She is six years old.
Franklin Adventurer
Franklin is Theodore and Lambie’s son. He enjoys playing the guitar, reading, writing, and hiking. He is five years old.
Fuzz Adventurer
Fuzz is Theodore and Lambie’s son. He loves to eat fudge, help out whenever he can, go rock climbing, and wear huge sunglasses. He is four years old.
Joy Adventurer
Joy is Theodore and Lambie’s daughter. She likes to tell stories, play with her siblings, friends, and cousins, and go to school. She is four years old.
Mt. Olives Adventurer
Mt. Olives is Theodore and Lambie’s son. He is named after a mountain. He is also a very ingenious inventor, and has created many magnificent devices, as well as finding a way to evade gravity. He is four years old.
Mt. Baldy Adventurer
Mt. Baldy is Theodore and Lambie’s son. He is named after a mountain. He enjoys flying, cooking, going to school, playing games, and surfing. He is three years old.
Chick-Chick Adventurer
Chick-Chick is Theodore and Lambie’s son. He likes to do lots of chemistry. He is two years old.
Timmy Adventurer
Timmy is Theodore and Lambie’s son. He enjoys going to the clubhouse, eating snacks, and hiking in the national park. He is two years old.
Cocoa is Theodore and Lambie’s dog. He enjoys getting petted, going to school, eating dog treats, and playing fetch.
Tom Adventurer
Tom is Theodore’s brother. He is very good at karate. He enjoys hiking with his wife Rosie, swimming, doing karate, hanging out with his brother, and going to the clubhouse.
Rosie Adventurer
Rosie is Tom’s wife. She likes hiking, cooking, sailing, swimming, snorkeling, and gardening.
Marshmallow Adventurer
Marshmallow is Tom and Rosie’s son. He enjoys playing with his brothers and friends, going to the clubhouse, eating snacks, and swimming in the pool. He is nine years old.
Graham Cracker Adventurer
Graham Cracker is Tom and Rosie’s son. He likes riding bikes, writing, science, math, and going to the national park. He is eight years old.
Chocolate Adventurer
Chocolate is Tom and Rosie’s son. He enjoys playing with his brothers, eating snacks, going to school, hanging out at the clubhouse, and swimming in the ocean. He is seven years old.
S'more Adventurer
S’more is Tom and Rosie’s son. He enjoys swimming in the pool, playing with his brothers and friends, going to school, and hiking in the national park. He is six years old.
Frank W. Zion
Frank works in Hoo-Hoo's store. He enjoys spraying water, riding his bike through the house, having big ears, and eating. He is seventeen years old.
Sally Frackadally
Sally helps out at the school by being a sub teacher, teaching manners class, and other classes Uncle CoCo thinks up. She enjoys hiking with her husband Sam and their kids, playing with her kids, cooking, and sailing.
Sam Frackadally
Sam helps out at the school mostly by teaching sports. He is a rather odd individual, as he sometimes yells random things that are not real words. He likes swimming at the beach, hiking with his wife Sally and their kids, and rock climbing.
Bobby Frackadally
Bobby is Sam and Sally’s son. He enjoys going to school, going to the Clubhouse, hiking with his parents, twin sister, and dog, and eating snacks. He is ten years old.
Samantha Frackadally
Samantha is Sam and Sally’s daughter. She likes to hike with her parents, twin brother, and dog, eat snacks, go to school, and swim in the pool. She is ten years old.
Zanie is the Frackadally’s dog. He likes to go on hikes with Sam, Sally, Bobby, and Samantha, go to school, eat dog treats, get petted, and play with kids.
Frosty Billbert
Frosty is the dad of the Billbert family. He is a ranger at Mt. Susie National Park. He enjoys looking at the views at Mt. Susie National Park, figure skating, swimming, yoga, and playing chess.
Pearl Billbert
Pearl is the mom of the Billbert family. She likes looking at pearls, playing with her kids, hiking in the national park, and swimming.
Sammy Billbert
Sammy is Frosty and Pearl’s son. He teaches swimming lessons for CoCoLand residents. He enjoys swimming, eating snacks, dancing, playing chess, and eating at the Italian Restaurant. He is nineteen years old.
Climber Billbert
Climber is Frosty and Pearl’s son. He loves to climb, hence his name. He also enjoys reading, writing, swimming with his family, playing chess, and eating snacks. He is five years old.
Emp Billbert
Emp is Frosty and Pearl’s daughter. She enjoys swimming, playing chess, reading, writing, and hiking. She is four years old.
Billy Jones
Billy Jones lives down the street from Uncle CoCo. Also known as Bill Down the Street, he is always willing to help out whenever he can. He works at the Ocean View hotel. He enjoys surfing, sailing, listening to the CoCoLand podcast, hiking, and watching CoCoLand TV.
Jimmy Jones
Jimmy Jones is Billy Jones's brother. He lives next door to Billy. Jimmy also runs the CoCoLand bank out of his house. He enjoys surfing and sailing with Billy, trying new foods, and telling very funny jokes!
Boomer Wood
Boomer works at the gold mine. He likes to watch bunnies in the national park, paint pictures, boxing, and going on vacation.
Emily Wood
Emily is Boomer’s wife. She enjoys watching sunrises, hiking, looking at flowers, and playing with kids.