All About CoCoLand

Learn more about everything CoCoLand here!


  • Sir Pickles Academy

    Sir Pickles Academy is where all the kids in CoCoLand go to school. Uncle CoCo is the Principal of the school. The school is named after Sir Pickles the dog, who helps direct the CoCoLand army. Sir Pickles is very important in the community. This school teaches everything from pre-school to college, so there is no need for multiple school buildings! Learn more about it here!

  • Italian restaurant

    The Italian restaurant actually doesn't have any workers. Machines built by Uncle CoCo make the food, and then electronic food-delivery machines bring the food to the table. Everyone loves this restaurant!

  • Mexican restaurant

    The Mexican restaurant is also a CoCoLand favorite, as Uncle CoCo says he's never tasted better Mexican food in all his years of living. Everyone else loves the Mexican restaurant, too.

  • Mt. Susie National Park, an imaginary place where stuffed animals hang out, look at wildlife, have fun, hike, and much more!

    Mount Susie National Park

    Mount Susie is a former volcano. This volcano is now dormant, and the national park has many trails and other activities. Wildlife viewing is also popular.

  • The Gold Mine, an imaginary place where stuffed animals go to mine gold.

    The Gold Mine

    The Gold Mine, as its name suggests, is a great place to mine gold. Uncle CoCo even hired a whole gold mining staff!

  • The Sports Field, an imaginary place where CoCoLand stuffed animals go to play sports with each other.

    The Sports Field

    The sports field is where everyone loves to play sports. From soccer, to baseball, to any other sports you can think of, everyone loves to play on this field!

  • The Clubhouse, an imaginary place where CoCoLand stuffed animals have fun.

    The Clubhouse

    The Clubhouse is a very fun place for CoCoLand residents to hang out, with a game room, pool, indoor playground, exercise room, snack bar, meeting room, and much more! Everyone loves the Clubhouse!

  • The Playground, an imaginary place where CoCoLand stuffed animals play.

    The Playground

    The playground is a fun place for the kids in CoCoLand to play. They love to play games together.

  • The Snack Shop, an imaginary place where CoCoLand stuffed animals get delicious snacks.

    Snack Shop

    The snack shop gets its snacks from Larry's snack factory. When CoCoLand residents want a deliciously healthy snack, they head over to the snack shop!

  • The Gas Station, an imaginary place where CoCoLand stuffed animals get gas for their cars.

    The Gas Station

    The gas station is known for its overpriced things. Uncle CoCo says they charge $90 for a little jar of mustard! The gas is regular priced, so this gas station is where everyone in CoCoLand get gas for their cars!

  • CoCoLand Community Church, an imaginary place where stuffed animals go on Sunday mornings.

    CoCoLand Community Church

    The church is where everyone in CoCoLand goes on Sunday morning. There is no permanent pastor, so the residents just take turns preaching, including Sir Pickles.

  • Hoo-Hoo's store, an imaginary place where CoCoLand stuffed animals get their groceries.

    Hoo-Hoo's Store

    Hoo-Hoo's store is the best store in CoCoLand. Hence the name, Hoo-Hoo Stuffinski is the founder.

  • The Stage, an imaginary place where CoCoLand stuffed animals go to watch big announcements, concerts, comedy shows, and more.

    The Stage

    The Stage is where big announcements, concerts, and even parties are held.

  • The Zoo, an imaginary place where CoCoLand stuffed animals go to see all kinds of cool animals.

    The Zoo

    The zoo is a very fun place for residents and their kids to visit. The zoo has some very fun and exotic animals, including some of Uncle CoCo's former pets.

The Six Hotels

  • The Greenland Hotel, an imaginary place where visitors to CoCoLand stay.

    The Greenland Hotel

    The Greenland Hotel is a very unique hotel, everything inside is green! The carpet, beds, sheets, furniture, soap, and even the walls are all green!

  • The Oceanview Residential Hotel, an imaginary place where visitors to CoCoLand stay.

    The Oceanview Residential Hotel

    The Oceanview Residential Hotel is a very fancy hotel. All the important people who visit Uncle CoCo asking about a one bear government stay here.

  • The Salty Breeze Hotel, an imaginary place where visitors to CoCoLand stay.

    The Salty Breeze Hotel

    The Salty Breeze Hotel is a nice hotel, with free breakfast, comfy beds, and a view of the ocean.

  • The Sandy Beach Hotel, an imaginary place where visitors to CoCoLand stay.

    The Sandy Beach Hotel

    This hotel is all about the beach! Their carpet is designed by Dr. Dave to absorb sand. Every room in the hotel has beach access. If you want to go to the beach, you should go here.

  • The Beachview Hotel, an imaginary place where visitors to CoCoLand stay.

    The Beachview Hotel

    The Beachview Hotel is all its name implies. Every room has a balcony over the beach.

  • The Palm Hotel, an imaginary place where visitors to CoCoLand stay.

    The Palm Hotel

    The Palm Hotel has palm trees galore, plus free breakfast, making it a fantastic place to stay.

National CoCoLand Holidays



Holidays ~

Uncle CoCo’s Birthday

Uncle CoCo’s birthday is on September tenth. We celebrate with plenty of fried pickles and pizza, a huge parade, a concert at the stage, and lots and lots of balloons! Then we all eat cake at the Clubhouse. Dr. Dave even puts confetti in his weather machine and makes it rain confetti!


We celebrate Christmas on December twenty-fifth, like most countries, but our Christmas celebration is a little bit different. We have a parade, a concert, a giant party in the Clubhouse, and it even snows. Dr. Dave puts fake snow in his weather machine so we always have snow at Christmastime!

Joke Telling Day

Joke Telling Day is on June twentieth. Everyone comes up with a funny joke to tell. We laugh for most of the day, because of how funny everyone’s jokes are! There is even a prize for the funniest joke!

Fried Pickle Eating Day

This holiday is pretty self explanatory. On Fried Pickle Eating Day, we eat fried pickles! We have a big party to celebrate how much we love fried pickles. To hear more about this amazing holiday, listen to episode 40 of The CoCoLand Podcast. Fried pickle eating day is on October third.

Inventions Day

Inventions day is not on any particular day. Rusty Stuffinski decides when it is every year. On Inventions Day, we hold a contest to see who can make the most practical invention, weirdest invention, and coolest looking invention. Everyone works on their inventions all year to enter the contest!


Halloween is on October 31st, but our Halloween celebration is not your normal Halloween celebration. In CoCoLand, we celebrate all the good and happy things in the world, like pretty flowers, sunshine, butterflies, ducklings, pizza, and of course, fried pickles.

Pizza Day

Pizza day is a holiday dedicated entirely to eating pizza. Residents even come up with new pizza flavors to celebrate this day! And sometimes they flavor other food like pizza, like Dr. Dave’s pizza flavored cookies.

First Day of Summer

The first day of summer is the first hot day of the year, according to Uncle CoCo. When he thinks it’s hot, it’s officially summertime in CoCoLand. We never know when summer will be, until Uncle CoCo says he’s hot!

First Day of Winter

The first day of winter is when the first batch of fake snow falls. It’s usually before Christmas, but Dr. Dave always makes sure it snows on Christmas. So winter is either December twenty-fifth or before then.

First Day of Spring

The first day of spring is when all the fake snow melts and Dr. Dave says no more snow will fall. Dr. Dave is the only one who knows when the first day of spring will be, but he always tells us when it happens.

First Day of Fall

The first day of fall is on Uncle CoCo’s birthday, which is on September tenth. Uncle CoCo’s birthday is also a national holiday, so we get to celebrate two holidays at the same time!

Founding Day

The Founding Day of CoCoLand is on October twenty-third. On October twenty-third, Uncle CoCo, Rusty, Big Bear, and Dr. Dave bought the island. We have a big celebration every year to show how much we love living in CoCoLand!

Sir Pickles Academy

Everything you need to know about this remarkable school is right here. If you have more questions, just ask Uncle CoCo!

Sir Pickles Academy, an imaginary place where CoCoLand stuffed animals go to school.
Sir Pickles Academy, an imaginary place where CoCoLand stuffed animals go to school.


  • Fifty-two. Including, Rocket, Penguinda, Speedy, Popcorn, Timmy, Fuzz, Bill, Murph, Chick-Chick, Delores, Rick, Savana, Marshmallow, Chocolate, Graham Cracker, S’more, Rachel, Climber, Arnie, Antler, Peckster, Junior, Joy, Mt. Olives, Caremal, Pansy, Hoo-Hoo, Larry, Bobby, Samantha, Puff-Puff, Finney, Elkie, Spark, Quackers, Timothy, Tundra, Snowy, Spike, Pete, Oscar, Snowflake, Dandelion, Jim, George, Sammy, Hump, Frank, Dr. Dave, Tim, Duck, and Theodore.

  • Because it’s so fun! On Fridays, they get to spin a prize wheel if they get most of the questions right on the tests that week. 80% - 90% correct and they spin the smaller wheel. 90% or more correct and they get to spin the big wheel with better prizes! Even college students and dogs get to spin!

School Subjects

  • School subjects include: Math, spelling, art, life skills, and science.

  • Well, for one thing, our teaching style is a bit different. We have fun at school, even if that means our school day doesn’t go quite as planned. For example, throwing fake snowballs around might not teach math, but it sure is fun!

Field Trips

  • We’ve gone on field trips ranging from hiking Mt. Susie to helping Dr. Dave with chemistry. We always learn something new every time, and we have a whole bunch of fun while we do it!

  • We’re so glad you asked that question, because we have a great response. One time, we were helping Dr. Dave with chemistry and he exploded something, which sent a student flying up into outer space! (In case you were wondering, we were able to get him back down.)